This symbol is one that has a history that is dear to me. One I created from love and use to mark every bar of soap to pass on the love and inspiration that was given to me in my life. I do not preform any sort of rituals on my tools or finished product, because I feel that is something intimate to be decided by the individual, but with this symbol I pass on this message. You are loved! You are wanted! You are both seen and heard! You possess strength and the power to create solutions to any obstacle in life. I may not know you, but I believe in this power inside you, and with all my heart hope that you find that power and create a beautiful life one day at a time. Ég elska þig og ég veit að þú hefur vald til að sigrast á hvaða óvini sem er.

Here’s what all goes into our soap

A lot of love goes into these soap bars, in fact a lot of my own magic goes into these bars. As I said before I do not perform any rituals on my tools, ingredients, or finished products. I do make these soap bars from a loving place, but I let the symbolism and the power held within the ingredients themselves work their own magic. It is up to you to take that a step further with your own ritualistic bathing, or to just enjoy a great smelling soap. We love all witchy vibes here and support all paths in life. My wish is to bring a little love into your life even if its just by smelling good.

I know what you’re thinking, ‘ what makes this bar soap any different from any other hand made soap out on the market?’ Well, let me start with the runic symbol you see adjacent to this text. Creating this company came from three main influences in my life. First, my nordic pagan roots. I work with the goddess Freya and kept finding myself being drawn to herbs and bathing rituals, but I ignored it thinking that I was just being too optimistic about the concept. Second, I have my Celtic heritage that brought me into working with the goddess Morrigan. Some people see her as a dark goddess, but we all have a shadow self, and this part of us needs love as well. The final event that brought me into this process of creation was the opportunity to be mused by a woman dear to my heart who brought me Gaia energy. This was a final sign for me to move forward with this process of creation as the muse brought me into a greater understanding.

Three Blends of Soap

All my soap bars have the same blend of three ingredients for the soap base, shea, cocoa, and honey. The number three has many magic roots seen in the Norns of Norse mythology, the Fates of Greek mythology, and the Morrigan in Celtic mythology. This number can be seen as harmony, wisdom, and understanding. It can bee seen as the past, present, and future. It can also be seen as birth, life, and death. With all the many meanings tied to the number three, it felt like a great way to bring energy into the base of creation for my soap… Oh and shea, cocoa, and honey are all great ingredients for healthy hydrated skin.

Essential oil blends

Continuing with the number three, I use a blend of three essential oils in all my bar soap. Each oil contains its own power like clove being used to inspire courage. The oil blend undergoes A aging process (no fermentation) that blends the three smells of the oils into a more even scent containing notes of all the oils. Its an old perfuming trick that yields a really great result that smells wonderful.

The Grit

All of our soap bars contain our proprietary exfoliating blend that I like to refer to as ‘The Grit’. Depending on the bar I will add one to two additional ingredients to ‘The Grit’ to add to the soap bars scent, and other properties. If you’re not a fan of our soaps exfoliating properties, our bar soap works great in a soap bag as well. The scent stays just as strong, and lathers just as well.

Rustic no B.S. Products

We don’t waste time with fancy designs in our bars of soap and like A earthy stone like look to our bars. Why you might ask? Taking the time to sculpt intricate patterns into our soap is time consuming and isn’t time that I would want to charge for when I can offer a rustic look. Some soap makers will take the time to spray the tops of their cooling soap with alcohol to try to remove bubbles/foam from the top of theirs soaps. Again we like the rustic look and want to bring you quality experiences with our soap, not sub par smelling soap that charges just for how it looks over the bathing experience. Maybe we are just weird like that, but we like weird here. Our bars are also still tacky to the touch. We could cure them for weeks for a dry feel, but found it weakens the scent and the bars dont lather as well so we only cure for a few days.